The editorial of NEMA is always grateful for the opportunity to read your work!

Note: NEMA is a non-profit magazine and unfortunately does not currently have a budget which would allow us to pay our authors.



Please read thoroughly and follow these guidelines to facilitate the editorial:

We only accept the original author’s works. Unpublished works are preferred, but already published work will be considered too (in this case it is necessary to point out where and when the work was first published).

The works should be sent to Only submissions received via our email address will be taken into account. Please state your name, the name of your piece, and the type of piece you are submitting in the subject line. Submissions for the English Chapter should include English Chapter at the very beginning of the subject line.

Attach a document (.doc) that will contain your works (poems or short story or essay, etc.) and a short biography.

In the title of the document clearly indicate the author’s name and category (eg. XYX XX, poetry or XX XYX, short story).

We do not recommend simultaneous submissions for different categories.

If you send visual works (.jpg), audio (.mp3) or video (.mp4) recordings, biographies should be part of the body of the email. The title of each recording should contain its name (if there is one) and the author’s name (eg. Portrait © XX XYX)

The biography should be written in 3rd person and must not exceed a length of 70 words. Do not forget to include a link to your own blog if you have one, and we advise you to include your email address so other editors or readers can reach you more easily.


Some of the categories that we accept:

Poetry (from at least two to a maximum of five pieces)

Prose (short story, an excerpt from a novel or novella – up to 2,000 words)

Drama (one-act play or an excerpt from a longer one)

Essay, travelogue, reportage, criticism, review of cultural events, etc.

Interview (in written, audio or video form)

Visual arts (photography, illustration, comics, drawings, …)


Additional information:

The expected response time is one month. Please contact us again if you have not received any response after three months, and you are interested in the status of your submission.

Check your email at least once a week to be able to respond in a timely manner in the event of editorial requesting some clarifications or audio tracks of your poetry.

Authors retain all copyright and remain the owners of their works. The editorial of NEMA reserves the right to re-publish works in the future if and when the need arises (eg., as part of an anthology or for promotional purposes).

If you have any additional questions or concerns, please contact us at with the indication ‘Query’.